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Ruukinkatu 2, 20540 Turku +358 449843268

Kansainvälinen kehittämis- ja yhteistyöyhdistys Baltic Region ry

International Association for Development and Cooperation Baltic Region has been consistently active since 2006. The organization's activities are aimed at providing assistance to Russian-speaking residents of Turku in the areas of culture, education, and employment, with the goal of integrating them into Finnish society.
The participants of the organization strive to help Russian-speaking residents of Turku establish their daily lives, strengthen social ties, and navigate all aspects of Finnish society. 
Consultations related to living in the country are continuously provided.

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Baltic Region Ry

Information in Russian is provided on the following topics:

KELA and Social Welfare in Finland

• KELA card
• Benefits from KELA (housing allowance, unemployment benefit, child allowance, educational allowance, pensions, etc.)
• Minimum subsistence level
• District offices and their functional responsibilities
• Position and rights of clients

Employment Office

• Client registration
• Client rights and responsibilities
• Services and rules of the employment office

Opportunities for Adult Education

• Educational institutions in Finland
• Diploma recognition


• Services provided by the healthcare service
• District clinics
• Booking an appointment with a doctor


• Apartment search and application
• Drafting a rental agreement

Finnish News YLE

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