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Ruukinkatu 2, 20540 Turku +358 449843268


Project Digi-skills

Social meaning:

Last 10 years we are facing a leap of technology that very quickly came into many aspects of daily life (banks, medical services, internet of things, social media, mobile apps etc.)
The big obstacle is also the fact that the low digital literacy is not only among the elderly people but also personnel and volunteers working with them.

In order to enhance studying and promote digital interaction is crucial to understand the language and terminology of digital community which is quite challenging task even using mother tongue (browser, application, installation, update etc) and became especially frustrating for elderly people of other culture.
The participants of the program got to know the services and apps that can significantly improve their quality of life, interaction with governmental and public services (incl. health department).

Target group of participants consists of Russian speaking people age 70 + pensioners, including volunteers trained to act with elderly target group.

The aim of the project is to solve the problem of digital literacy among Russian speaking elderly people groups in Turku.
The project assist integration of Russian speaking elderly people into digital communication. The limitation of access to use of digital services may strengthen the inequality.

Additional research also shows importance of such factors as age, income, education level, for speed and range of acceptance of modern technologies.

In the frames of project offered to familiarize Russian speaking elderly people with existing range of daily used digital technologies, preparation for acceptance of new information, and motivation for learning.
Use of modern learning practices and establishing of experience exchange between the participants of the project increase and maintain the level of involvement among target group and also motivate individuals (or groups) to create and develop own content and digital services for particular needs of particular language group.
    Territory zones of project implementation was in Varissuo and Runosmäki.

Digi-center continues to operate in Varissuo of Turku by address Kousankuja 5A.

Call: 0466345275